Exactly one year after the International Web Conference on Wine Law, ESHTE, together with the Universities of Salamanca and Sorbonne, is launching online the publication Wine Law.
The book counts with authors from Europe and America, focusing on issues ranging from protected designations or origin, geographical indications, trademarks, labelling, sales, consumer protection, among other subjects.
The book, published in a loose-leaf format, which allows for updates, is also available online (click here). Moreover, it is co-presented by the UNWTO Secretary-General, the heads of the promoting universities and the president of the wine cities.
As noted by Zurab Pololikashvili, the UNWTO Secretary-General, “Wine offers a window into different territories, their traditions and their people. For this reason, wine tourism is being increasingly embraced by destinations around the world as a means to attract visitors and so support rural communities and preserve and celebrate their unique heritage.”, adding that this “publication offers a comprehensive overview of recent and ongoing developments in the complex but fascinating field of wine law”.
ESHTE President, Raúl Filipe, takes the opportunity to dedicate this first volume “to our colleague João Leitão, former Vice president of ESHTE and former President of the Portuguese Tour Guides Association”.
Ricardo Rivero Ortega, Rector of the University of Salamanca, notes that wine law is “a proper “jungle” of laws, regulations and other legal figures, at the international, EU, national and regional levels, which require a multidisciplinary and multinational treatment, as is done in this book.”, adding that “[t]he inclusion of chapters with references to national legal systems, apart from those of European Union countries, such as Argentina, Cuba, Peru, Russia and Venezuela, also seems to me to be a good thing. I hope that this collaboration between the academic institutions of Spain, France and Portugal will serve to further strengthen our ties of friendship with the academic institutions of all countries”.
Laurence Jégouzo, Vice Dean of the Sorbonne Law School, stressed that, “a year after the publication of the book Collective Commentary about the New Package Travel Directive, it is a great satisfaction that Sorbonne, Salamanca and ESHTE present another initiative in such a short period.”, pointing out that “[t]his is, in fact, a publication under the aegis of three universities in countries where wine plays a major role in their respective economies. Indeed, France has assumed a decisive role in the Droit du Vin and de la Vigne. Its vineyards are the ultimate expression of quality, where the unique terroir is strongly linked to the sustainability of the territory”.
Finally, the President of European Network of Wine Cities (RECEVIN), José Calixto, says “it is an honour to co-present the first Volume of Wine Law, a work by the Estoril Higher Institute for Tourism and Hotel Studies and the Universities of Salamanca and Sorbonne. The work carried out by these three major institutions is reflected in the pages of this book, which, through the sharing of scientific knowledge, contribute to a structuring theme for the sustainable development of territories, thus demonstrating that success lies in the collaborative work between different institutions and nations”.
The cover of the book features the Marquis of Pombal, in recognition of his pioneering role at world level in the institution, in 1756, of the Demarcated Douro Region, almost a century before the Bordeaux region.
Following the positive evolution of the pandemic, it will soon be launched in person.
This book – which, as mentioned, is published in the updatable loose-leaf format – has currently the following content:
- “Designations of Origin within the EU: Legal Challenges” by Tomás Prieto Álvarez;
- “The Matter of Geographical Indications and Designations of Origin in the Wine Field: Italian and European Perspectives” by Paola Gelato and Stefano Vergano;
- “Homonymous Names of Wines and Grape Varieties: The Case of Teran” by Matija Damjan;
- “Protection of Wine Names by Trademark Law” by Marie-Elvire de Moro-Giafferri;
- “Unconventional Trademarks in the Wine Industry” by Alexandra Varla;
- “Shared-Use Trademarks for the Geographical Indications of Wine Products” by Mª del Mar Gómez Lozano;
- “Wine Labelling” by Giuliano Lemme;
- “The Labelling and Packaging of Wine in European and Italian Perspectives” by Duilio Cortassa;
- “Wine, Polyphenols and Health Benefits” by Angel Pellegrino and Alicia B. Penissi;
- “Legal Protection of the Consumer of Alcoholic Beverages” by Felio José Bauzá Martorell;
- “Consumer Protection Related To Wine Law: A Global Perspective” by Ardyllis Alves Soares;
- “Wine Promotion” by Roner Fabris;
- “Advertising in France: A Fool’s Game?” by Charlotte de Reynal;
- “Promoting the Wine Industry under French Law” by Christine Lebel;
- “Wine and Advertising in Spanish Legislation: Analysis of Some Controversies” by Francisca Ramón Fernández and Cristina Lull Noguera;
- “Wine Sale” by Caterina del Federico;
- “Vineyard Register: The Role for Management of the Wine-Growing Potential in the European Union” by Tatjana Josipović;
- “Regulation of Organic Wine in the European Union: The New Legal Framework from 2022” by F. Javier Melgosa Arcos;
- “Definition of Wine” by Carlos Torres;
- “Argentina, Land of Wines” by Gonzalo Casanova Ferro;
- “Professional Organisation of Argentine Viticulture” by Ricardo Poccioni;
- “Wine Tourism in Argentina” by Sandra Sofía Arcos Valcárcel;
- “Analysis for a Legal Profile of the Import, Production and Marketing of Wines in Cuba” by Freddy Andrés Hung Gil;
- “The Wine Industry Regulation in Malta – A Legal Perspective” by Michael Tanti-Dougall;
- “The Promotion of Wine and Taxation: Urgent Harmonisation for the Growth of the Peruvian Wine Industry” by Carlos Armas Morales;
- “The Evolution of Romania’s Vine and Wine Law” by Ilie Dumitru;
- “The 2019 Russian Law on Viticulture and Winemaking” by Nancho Nanchev;
- “Uruguay and Wine: Current Situation and Legal Framework” by Julio Facal; and
- “Brief Notes on Venezuelan Wine Law” by Claudia Madrid Martínez.
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