Given the growing importance of wine tourism, we will soon promote the 1st Congress on Wine Tourism and the Law, another ESHTE | INATEL international initiative, this year together with the Federal University of Rio Grande Sul, the ISEG – Institute of Economics and Management, the World Association of Wine Tourism (AMETUR), the International Wine Law Association (AIDV) and European Network of Wine Cities (RECEVIN).
The texts of the speakers will be published in the International Journal of Tourism, Travel and Hospitality Law ( or Wine Law ( The congress is well received, so we are considering an autonomous publication entitled Wine Tourism and the Law.
The first session of the congress will take place on 23rd October at the Palácio dos Marqueses da Praia in Loures. In the afternoon, attendees can visit the region and the Bucelas wine tourism cluster. There is no registration fee for participation in the sessions of the congress.
As part of the commemorations of the Douro, a European city of wine, we will be in Santa Marta de Penaguião on the 24th and 25th of October, with a rich and vast programme.
For those who cannot attend the Portugal event, there will be a session in Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil) on World Wine Tourism Day, with a visit to Vale dos Vinhedos and presentations at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul on the 13rd November. Our colleagues at the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) are promoting an online session on November 1st.
As in the previous year’s congress, the texts are pre-published:
Program of 1st World Congress about Wine Tourism and the Law